Friday, September 24, 2010

Blogging? Who has time for that?!?'s been a long time since I have posted anything at all!! Time sure has flown by lately. I wish it would slow down!

I don't really have much to blog about right now. My life is totally consumed with my school work. I am currently taking 4 courses however it's more like taking 6! Since two of my classes have labs they require their own set of assignments and test! So....yeah it has been an interesting fall semester! I am really enjoying my classes and have learned quite a bit already. I have days when I feel like I'm never going to finish all my work since I have so much and days when I breeze through it. just depends on the day! So far I am rockin' A's in all my classes but of course it's still the beginning of the semester! I will say that I am blessed to have such a wonderful husband to support me! I feel so bad because I feel like he's having to take on so much since I'm out of commission most of the time! The days I don't have lab I get home and get right to my studies....and the days I do have lab I'm home around 7:30pm and am dead tired! Luckily he's supportive and wants to see me do well in school!

We started Christmas shopping! I know, it's early but we're those early Christmas shoppers! We do black Friday every year too! Matt went to his first black Friday last year and said it was his last! Little does he know...he'll be going this year!! Black Friday really wears me out but it's such an adventure. I'll probably always do it just for the fun of it!

Well this blog is going to be short and sweet because I don't have much time these days!

Oops, I did forget to mention that PugOWeen is only a few weeks away! I am so excited and so are the kids! We decided we're going to do "Pug Light Year" thanks to Melody! Susie will be "Pug Light Year," Connor will be Woody, Bailee will be Jessie, and Maddie is going to be their horse! They are so excited and cannot wait until it's PugOWeen time! I can't wait either, I'm such a big kid! They are hoping that they get a trophy this year but they are just happy to go even if they don't win! They understand that it's all about raising money for the dogs and supporting the cause.

Well, this is my short, sweet, and lame blog of the day! I'll try to sneak some more blog time in soon! I will say that I cannot wait for December 16th because I'll be out of school for an entire month then!! You can't beat that!

Hope everyone is doing well!